
About Vaidyalya

Sharamit’s Vaidyalya is a division of M/s Sharamit Enterprises Private Limited, has been started with the sole objective of giving Genuine Ayurvedic Treatment and Products. 

Sharamit’s Vaidyalya has been started with an objective of providing faster relief to patients through combination Ayurvedic medicines and herbal supplements both of which do not have any side effect. Depending on the severity of the conditions the Ayurvedic medicine and herbal supplement are prescribed. We provide customized medicines to the patient after diagnosing Major and Minor ailment for a faster relief.

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Open Hours:

If you have been suffering from ailments, need healthy balance in lifestyle and want to have relief in existing conditions, then we shall be happy to give you an enjoyable and healthy solution to find your balance again.

We can help you recover with our specialized Ayurvedic Treatments and let you feel in control again to take the daily challenges of life.